Each year, businesses give a W-2 form to each employee. The W-2 shows all taxable wages paid to the individual during the calendar year. The W-2 also includes...
Simple payroll errors are avoidable, but if you don’t pay attention, you could end up facing consequences that cost thousands of dollars in compliance penalties. Not only that...
The Positive Impact of Giving Back: How Community Involvement Builds a Positive Reputation for Small Businesses
In today’s increasingly connected and socially conscious world, the success of a small business is no longer measured solely by its profit margins. While financial stability remains essential,...
Setting Achievable Goals: A Guide for Small Business Owners
Setting goals is an integral part of running a successful small business. Well-defined, achievable goals provide direction, motivate your team, and serve as benchmarks for measuring progress. However,...
The Benefit of Breaks: Why Small Business Owners Should Take Breaks and Encourage Their Employees to as Well
In the fast-paced business world, a small business owner’s relentless drive for productivity can often overshadow the workforce’s need for rest. Small business owners frequently become caught up...
In most cases, employees anticipate receiving a raise after working a certain amount of time at your firm — usually, six months to a year. Top performers who...
Performance reviews often feel like a one-way, top-down process in which you, the boss, are judge and jury. But if reviews are instead a two-way street, employees feel...