Each year, businesses give a W-2 form to each employee. The W-2 shows all taxable wages paid to the individual during the calendar year. The W-2 also includes...
As 2021 comes to an end, many small businesses are taking the time to review their 2021 books. They are planing their 2022 budget. Owners and managers may...
Are you a business owner or manager struggling to retain employees and attract new employees? You are not alone! Many organizations, including small businesses here in Central PA,...
Small business is the backbone of the community in which it serves. When a business participates in community service initiatives serving nonprofits and other local organizations in need,...
Seven Tips to Effectively Return To the Juggling Act
Many workers had experienced a transition during the pandemic that allowed them to spend more time with their families. They’ve benefitted from commutes that were shortened or eliminated....
Has it been a while since you attended a professional event? You are not alone! Whether you have been at your first networking event in 18 months or...