Each year, businesses give a W-2 form to each employee. The W-2 shows all taxable wages paid to the individual during the calendar year. The W-2 also includes...
In labor and supply chain shortages, employee burnout has become increasingly common in businesses nationwide. Tasked with extra responsibilities and longer shifts, employees become tired and overwhelmed faster...
Employee Spotlight on Diana Winand, Partner and Client Concierge
Meet Diana Winand, our Current Client Concierge and one of our newest partners in PaySmart! Diana has been with PaySmart for eleven years, providing exceptional support to our...
Mom and pop shops are the heart of many towns, neighborhoods, and cities across the United States and worldwide. Whether they are the local pizzeria, hardware store, boutique,...
Eight Ways Small Businesses Can Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day
?Employee Appreciation Day is almost here. Employee Appreciation Day is the best time of the year for small business owners to show their employees how much they appreciate...
6 Ways Small Businesses Can Overcome Current Shortages
Fulfilling customer demands has become increasingly difficult for small business owners in the wake of Covid-19. Today, many businesses face challenges retaining reliable staff and acquiring the supplies...
8 Ways Small Business can Jumpstart Employee Recruitment
In the post-pandemic world, the issue of retaining employees has become all too common for many small-business owners. Although you are working hard and taking all essential measures...