Each year, businesses give a W-2 form to each employee. The W-2 shows all taxable wages paid to the individual during the calendar year. The W-2 also includes...
Five Ways for Small Business Owners to Work Smarter
Boosting productivity is one of the easiest ways for small business owners to increase their bottom lines. However, figuring out strategies to increase productivity is not always as...
Eight Tips to Help Small Business Owners Improve their Focus
Excellent focus while at work is essential for any small business owner or leader. Being able to lock in and focus during work allows small business owners and...
Rachel McJunkins, Payroll Specialist, has been with PaySmart for almost one year. Rachel appreciates the opportunity to support small businesses. She enjoys helping small companies increase their confidence...
When a small business owner chooses to niche their business, they drill down and focus their products and services on one specific part of their industry. Doing so...
6 Step Formula for Developing Sales Goals for Small Business
One responsibility every small business owner eventually has to tackle is developing sales goals. However, at times, this process can be tricky. It can be challenging for small...
Today, small business owners must be more prepared to survive and thrive during tough financial times. With rising inflation and a pending recession, small business owners must clearly...