Each year, businesses give a W-2 form to each employee. The W-2 shows all taxable wages paid to the individual during the calendar year. The W-2 also includes...
PaySmart: PPX features Your Go-to Human Resources Library
The PPX portal is a great tool – you can add and change employee information, enter and submit payroll hours, retrieve your payroll reports, and so much more....
Flight Basic is our online employee onboarding program which streamlines your onboarding process. Simply log in via the HUB portal and follow these easy steps.
Change in 1099 Reporting for Non-Employee Compensation to Non-Residents
Beginning in tax year 2018 (filing in 2019), all non-resident payments reported on 1099-MISC will be subject to Pennsylvania withholding taxes (3.07%). Happy New Year! With the new...
Gift cards given to employees must be included in taxable wages. 'Tis the season of spreading good cheer and many of you may be celebrating by generously giving...
It’s hard to believe the holiday season is right around the corner. Soon we’ll be turning the page (or swiping a screen) on our calendars to note the...