Leveraging Customer Feedback: The Secret to Elevating Your Business
For small business owners, customer feedback is more than just opinions—it’s a roadmap to growth. Understanding what customers love, what frustrates them, and what they wish existed can...
Tired of faxing us changes? When employees have changes to make, send them to HUB. Simply log into HUB and they can change their address, direct deposit...
One size doesn't always fit everyone. When you need to customize a document in FLIGHT, follow these steps: Your Next Very Smart Tip: In your March 8th tip,...
Feel like you’re spending too much time trying to manage your Human Resources function? Frustrated at the minutiae? Afraid you’ll miss an important detail? Take a breath –...
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDyT4W-x28g[/embed] The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit many businesses are unaware of. Others believe the application process is too cumbersome. If you aren't applying for...
You can save time and headaches by adding employee documents in HUB. This gives you easy access to important information 24/7, without maintaining a paper file. Follow these...