
We know how challenging running a business can be. Review the following blogs we have provided to help you influence and thrive in your community!

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Adding One-Time Pay in HUB

Need to pay an employee a bonus or another type of one-time pay?  It's easy with HUB.   If you don't have HUB, contact a Payroll Specialist to...

How to Compensate for Employee Travel Time

Know when your employees' travel time must be compensated. When a non-exempt employee travels for work outside of the parameters of a regularly scheduled workday, it's important to...

How to Calculate Overtime for Tipped Employees

Overtime for tipped employees is based on the overtime rate for minimum wage. Sharpen those pencils! Calculating overtime (OT) for your tipped employees isn't too complicated, once you have...

Is Comp Time Legal?

Offering employees comp time instead of paying them overtime is not legal. Giving your employees time off instead of paying them overtime has been a fairly common and accepted...

Security alert: Update your passwords regularly and take time to set up your recovery options.

Wait! Don’t click away just because you think this is one more boring article about online security and who has time for that and how can you remember...

The Tax Consequences of Employee Reimbursements

Employee reimbursements may be considered taxable income unless the three requirements of an accountable plan are met. Employee expense reimbursement is a common issue for employers. Often the...