
We know how challenging running a business can be. Review the following blogs we have provided to help you influence and thrive in your community!

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Changing Pay Periods - Handle with Care

Consider the impact on employees when changing pay periods. You’re ready to change your pay period, but aren’t sure exactly how to make it work. You may need...

How to Use HUB's Company Directory

The HUB Company Directory is an easy way for you and your employees to get to know one another and access contact information quickly. Have you ever missed...

How To Find Your Employee's Local Tax Rate

PaySmart provides you with the tools to find an employee's local tax (EIT) rate. Go to PaySmart's Helpful Tools. Then, scroll down and click on "Find Your Local...

The Taxability of Car Allowances

To tax or not to tax, that is the question. The IRS is pretty clear when it comes to the taxability of car allowances: Taxable. If you provide...

Setting Up Direct Deposit in PPX

Direct deposit simplifies your payroll process, saves time, increases security, and improves privacy. And once you've contacted PaySmart to move your payroll to direct deposit, setting up employees for direct deposit in...

Tip Credit and Your Minimum Wage Obligation

  The FLSA allows you to take a tip credit toward your minimum wage obligation for tipped employees. That's right. You can take a tip credit of $4.42...