
We know how challenging running a business can be. Review the following blogs we have provided to help you influence and thrive in your community!

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How to Calculate OT with Two Rates of Pay

Use the weighted average method to calculate overtime pay for an employee with two rates of pay. When you pay an employee two rates of pay, calculating overtime...

Communicate with Employees VIA HUB ... 1, 2, 3!

Sending direct communication to employees via HUB is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sometimes you need to send a direct message to employees. When that message is...

Help Protect Employees from ID Theft

We all know identity theft is a critical issue. A 2018 online survey by The Harris Poll indicated that 15 million consumers experienced identity theft in 2017. That’s...

Solution to Vacation Advances

Spring is here and that means your employees are starting to plan summer vacations. That also means you may be trying to figure out how to make sure...

Let's Talk About I-9s

You must retain a completed and signed Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form) for every employee. Ay-yi-yi! Let's talk about I-9s. Form I-9 from the U.S. Customs and...

Setting Up Holiday Hours in HUB

HUB allows you to customize the holidays your company will observe and establish the hours full-time and part-time employees will earn. Just follow these few simple steps and...